Knots 打结

It is a must to make knots for a seaman.  I bought a book called Kelly’s Knots from the Whale Museum in New Bedford, Massachusetts that is famous for her history of a whale hunting.  The book documented and introduced more and 2,000 types of knots.  Making knot and knots themselves are fascinating to me.  It is a way to make connection in such soft and tender way, at the same time, each knot carries unique texture and characteristics.

如果想做一个水手,就要学会打结。在北美东部沿海传统捕鲸小镇New Bedford的鲸鱼博物馆里有一本“Kelly’s Knots”的书,记录了两千多种不同用途的打结方式。这些结巧妙的表达了一种柔性连接方式,同时形成了某种肌理。







I attempted to use hemp rope, cotton rope and plastic rope to make the knots.  With the different materials, the knots were in a variety of texture and sizes and thickness.  Some show better atheistic appearances, some are more suitable for outdoor vs indoor.  After a few experiments, I made a net with the knots and installed the net on a large fallen tree trunk in the land.  I took advantage the branches that were pointing to different directions to open up the net.  While the branches and tree trunk would inevitably fell, rot and decompose into the ground, what about the net made with man made material?






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